On Monday February 18, President’s Day, Terrence Stanford, one of Lifeline’s devoted Medicar drivers was feeling deflated to find a nail had punctured his car tire. Not wanting to miss work, on President’s Day nonetheless, he came in anyway, not a second late. When he got into the garage, he asked some fellow employees if they knew anywhere where he could go to get his tire fixed. When Lifeline COO, Gabe Kroll, who has a great passion for cars, heard about the tire, he rolled up his sleeves and while Terrence was on shift, patched up his tire good as new and safe to go!
At Lifeline we celebrate an environment of love, care, and warmth. Lifeline is a place where the COO himself will reach out and help an employee in a time of need, without even a second thought. At Lifeline we are a family, where every single employee is appreciated and cherished.